The Art of Positive Living©
Hello Everyone!

As we all when thru our life challenges in 2020, due to the pandemic, I lost clients. It Has been very hard emotionally and mentally to have the only option to reach love ones via Zoom or FaceTime.

I began brainstorming, thinking what could I do to at least have something positive to look at while been at the computer, and that’s when the thought came, “Every day there is an opportunity for a person to try whatever it is that they would like to do.”

I decided to take a leap of faith and decided to create an inspirational brand that gears to The Art of Positively Living© and inspire people with my product, and that is how Ariam Lu™ was created.

Every Water Fountain, Inspirational Decor or Stickers quotes on  are created by me along with the designs. My goal is to inspire people to feel better about themselves and help them get thru the day and life.

Blessings Always 😇
Ariam Lu